
Göran Uddeborg goeran at
Sön Okt 9 14:02:04 CEST 2016

Här kommer en översättning av en av Fedoras webbsajter: Det är en sajt där många strängar har
lite karaktär av talspråk eller slang, vilket har varit en liten
utmaning i översättandet.  Jag har ibland tillåtit mig ett aningen
större avstånd från originalet för att kunna bevara tonen.  Förslag på
bättre och/eller fyndigare översättningar emottages!

-------------- next part --------------
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: asknot-ng 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-01 10:00-0500\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-09 13:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Göran Uddeborg <goeran at>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv at>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.5\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"

#. title
#. description
#: questions/coala.yml:1
msgid "What can I do for coala?"
msgstr "Hur kan jag hjälpa till med coala?"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Nope, nope, nope"
msgstr "Nä, nä, nä"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Nix"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nej tack"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Not on your life"
msgstr "Aldrig i livet"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Doesn't sound like me"
msgstr "Det passar inte mig"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Absolutely not"
msgstr "Absolut inte"

#. negative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Next, please"
msgstr "Tack, nästa"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Sounds awesome"
msgstr "Låter fantastiskt"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Tell me more"
msgstr "Berätta mer"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "That's me!"
msgstr "Det passar mig!"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Totally"
msgstr "Absolut"

#. affirmative
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Sure"
msgstr "Visst"

#. backlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "I was wrong, take me back"
msgstr "Jag hade fel, ta mig tillbaka"

#. backlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "I think I made a mistake"
msgstr "Jag tror jag gjorde ett misstag"

#. backlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Get me outta here!"
msgstr "Ta mig ut härifrån!"

#. navlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1 questions/fedora.yml:1 questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Gå med"

#. navlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1
msgid "coala documentation"
msgstr "coala-dokumentation"

#. navlink
#: questions/coala.yml:1
msgid "Get Live Help!"
msgstr "Få levande hjälp!"

#. segue1
#: questions/coala.yml:33
msgid "Want to help coala?"
msgstr "Vill du hjälpa till med coala?"

#. segue2
#: questions/coala.yml:33
msgid "What do you care about?"
msgstr "Vad är viktigt för dig?"

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:37
msgid "Visuals!"
msgstr "Det visuella!"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:37
msgid "The coala artwork team is just for you!"
msgstr "Coalas illustrationsgrupp är något som passar dig!"

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:40
msgid "Good, Generic Code"
msgstr "Bra, allmän kod"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:40
msgid "Help us improving code quality in the world! Join the core developers."
msgstr "Hjälp oss att förbättra kodkvaliteten i världen!  Anslut dig till de centrala utvecklarna."

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:43
msgid "Reaching Users"
msgstr "Nå ut till användare"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:43
msgid "Write documentation that is understandable by everyone."
msgstr "Skriv dokumentation som är begriplig för vem som helst."

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:46
msgid "Make coala Accessible"
msgstr "Göra coala tillgängligt"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:46
msgid "Join our translation team!"
msgstr "Anslut dig till vår översättningsgrupp!"

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:49
msgid "Crazy Algorithms"
msgstr "Knasiga algoritmer"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:49
msgid ""
"Let's write code analytics. We write the framework, there's bare logic left "
"for you."
msgstr "Låt oss skriva kodanalyser.  Vi skriver ramverket, den rena logiken är kvar till dig."

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:52
msgid "Scientific Progress"
msgstr "Vetenskapliga framsteg"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:52
msgid "Join our coAST team and create language independent program analysis."
msgstr "Anslut dig till vår coAST-grupp och skapa språkoberoende programanalyser."

#. title
#: questions/coala.yml:55
msgid "Money"
msgstr "Pengar"

#. subtitle
#: questions/coala.yml:55
msgid "Help us through donations at gratipay."
msgstr "Hjälp oss via donationer på gratipay."

#. title
#. description
#: questions/fedora.yml:1
msgid "What can I do for Fedora?"
msgstr "Hur kan jag hjälpa till med Fedora?"

#. navlink
#: questions/fedora.yml:1
msgid "Get Fedora"
msgstr "Hämta Fedora"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:31
msgid "Want to help Fedora?  Tell me..."
msgstr "Vill du hjälpa Fedora?  Berätta ?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:31
msgid "what's your area of interest?"
msgstr "vad är ditt intresseområde?"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:35
msgid "Design!"
msgstr "Design!"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:35
msgid ""
"So you enjoy working on the way users interact with websites and programs?"
msgstr "Så du tycker om att arbeta med sättet användare interagerar med webbplatser och program?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:35
msgid "How about the..."
msgstr "Vad sägs om ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:35
msgid "pixel ninjas"
msgstr "pixelninjor"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:42
msgid "Coding"
msgstr "Kodning"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:42
msgid "Zeroes and ones #allday?  Me too."
msgstr "Nollor och ettor #heladagen?  Jag är med."

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:42
msgid "What's your favorite language?"
msgstr "Vilket är ditt favoritspråk?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:42
msgid "hacking the gibson"
msgstr "hacka gibson"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:49
msgid "Community Ops"
msgstr "Gemenskapsoperatörer"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:49
msgid "Have a knack for community-building?"
msgstr "Är du slängd på att bygga gemenskaper?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:49 questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:38
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:3
msgid "Would you like something more"
msgstr "Vill du ha något mer"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:49
msgid "connecting the dots"
msgstr "koppla samman informationen"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:56 questions/gnome.yml:40
msgid "Writing"
msgstr "Skriva"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:56
msgid "So, you have a way with words?"
msgstr "Så, du kan hantera ord?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:56 questions/fedora.yml:70
msgid "Would you be more interested in..."
msgstr "Vore du mer intresserad av ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:56
msgid "wordsmithery"
msgstr "ordsmide"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:63
msgid "Categorization"
msgstr "Kategorisering"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:63
msgid "So you like putting things in their place?"
msgstr "Så du gillar att placera saker på sin plats?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:63 questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:15
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:21
msgid "How about..."
msgstr "Vad sägs om ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:63
msgid "labelling things, perhaps obsessively"
msgstr "etikettera saker, kanske besatt av det"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:70
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Översättning"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:70
msgid "So you know more than one language?  We need you!"
msgstr "Så du kan mer än ett språk?  Vi behöver dig!"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:70
msgid "we're an international effort, after all"
msgstr "vi är en internationell satsning när allt kommer omkring"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:77
msgid "Advocacy"
msgstr "Förespråka"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:77
msgid "So you're a people person?"
msgstr "Så du är en social person?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:77
msgid "How about becoming a Fedora..."
msgstr "Vad sägs om att bli en Fedora ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:77
msgid "spreading the good word"
msgstr "sprida den goda kunskapen"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:84
msgid "Packaging"
msgstr "Paketering"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:84
msgid "So you want to help build the OS?  Excellent."
msgstr "Så du vill hjälpa till att bygga OS:et?  Utmärkt."

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:84
msgid "Then you'll need to become a Fedora..."
msgstr "Då behöver du bli en Fedora ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:84
msgid "getting new software into Fedora"
msgstr "få in nya program i Fedora"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:91
msgid "QA and Testing"
msgstr "QA och testning"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:91
msgid "So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?"
msgstr "Så du gillar att trycka på alla knapparna och ha sönder sakerna?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:91
msgid "Are you more interested in something..."
msgstr "Är du mer intresserad i något ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:91
msgid "as they say, \"if it's not tested, it's broken\""
msgstr "som de säger, ?om det inte är testat är det trasigt?"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:98
msgid "The Desktop"
msgstr "Skrivbordet"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:98
msgid "So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?"
msgstr "Så du är inne på att göra OS:et smidigt och lättanvänt?"

#. segue2
#: questions/fedora.yml:98 questions/fedora.yml:105 questions/fedora.yml:112
#: questions/fedora.yml:119
msgid "You probably want to join the Fedora..."
msgstr "Du vill förmodligen gå med i Fedora ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:98
msgid "we all have our favorite"
msgstr "vi har alla våra favoriter"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:105
msgid "The Server"
msgstr "Servern"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:105
msgid "So you're into making the OS powerful and flexible?"
msgstr "Så du är inne på att göra OS:et kraftfullt och flexibelt"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:105
msgid "the best and latest for the datacenter"
msgstr "det bästa och senaste för datacentralen"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:112
msgid "The Cloud"
msgstr "Molnet"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:112
msgid "High-minded?"
msgstr "Högsinnad?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:112
msgid "it's where the future lives"
msgstr "det är där framtiden finns"

#. title
#: questions/fedora.yml:119
msgid "Internationalization"
msgstr "Internationalisering"

#. segue1
#: questions/fedora.yml:119
msgid "Have a regional or world perspective?"
msgstr "Har du ett regionalt eller världsomspännande perspektiv?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/fedora.yml:119
msgid "making Fedora work better for all languages"
msgstr "gör så att Fedora fungerar bättre för alla språk"

#. title
#. description
#: questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "What can I do for GNOME?"
msgstr "Vad kan jag göra för GNOME?"

#. navlink
#: questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid "Get GNOME"
msgstr "Hämta GNOME"

#. navlink
#: questions/gnome.yml:1
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. segue1
#: questions/gnome.yml:33
msgid "Want to help GNOME?"
msgstr "Vill du hjälpa GNOME?"

#. segue2
#: questions/gnome.yml:33
msgid "First tell us what you like!"
msgstr "Berätta först vad du tycker om!"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:37
msgid "Design and Usability"
msgstr "Design och användbarhet"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:37
msgid "Making sure we focus on users."
msgstr "Se till att vi håller fokus på användarna."

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:40
msgid "Want to help with your english skills?"
msgstr "Vill du hjälpa till med färdigheter i engelska?"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:43
msgid "Articles"
msgstr "Artiklar"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:43
msgid "Want to help with the engagement team?"
msgstr "Vill du hjälpa till i engagemangsgruppen?"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:46 questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:19
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:3
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:46
msgid "Get all the hidden features to the users!"
msgstr "Få ut alla de dolda funktionerna till användarna!"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:49
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Språk"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:49
msgid "You could help translating!"
msgstr "Du kan hjälpa till att översätta!"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:52
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kod"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:52
msgid "Get your hands dirty!"
msgstr "Smutsa ner händerna!"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:55
msgid "Making Things Stable"
msgstr "Göra saker stabila"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:55
msgid "May GNOME never crash again"
msgstr "Må GNOME aldrig krascha igen"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:58
msgid "Fixing Bugs"
msgstr "Fixa fel"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:58
msgid "Join our Bugsquad!"
msgstr "Gå med i vår felpatrull!"

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:61
msgid "Good Tests"
msgstr "Bra tester"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:61
msgid "The QA team might be right for you."
msgstr "QA-gruppen kan passa dig."

#. title
#: questions/gnome.yml:64
msgid "System Administration"
msgstr "Systemadministration"

#. subtitle
#: questions/gnome.yml:64
msgid "Help us managing our infrastructure!"
msgstr "Hjälp oss att hantera vår infrastruktur!"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/advocacy.yml:3
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:15
msgid "Ambassador"
msgstr "Ambassadör"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/advocacy.yml:3
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:15
msgid "the representatives of Fedora"
msgstr "representanterna för Fedora"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/categorization.yml:3
msgid "Fedora Tagger"
msgstr "Fedoraetiketterare"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/categorization.yml:3
msgid "assigning \"tags\" to packages to build better search"
msgstr "sätt ?etiketter? på paket för att skapa bättre sökningar"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/cloud.yml:3
msgid "Cloud SIG"
msgstr "Moln-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/cloud.yml:3
msgid "the special-interest-group for Fedora Cloud"
msgstr "specialintressegruppen för Fedora Cloud"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/cloud.yml:6
msgid "RDO"
msgstr "RDO"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/cloud.yml:6
msgid "the OpenStack distro for Fedora"
msgstr "OpenStack-distributionen för Fedora"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:3
msgid "Python"
msgstr "Python"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:3
msgid "So, you enjoy traceback-driven development?  What could go wrong?"
msgstr "Så du gillar stackspårsdriven utveckling?  Vad skulle kunna gå fel?"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:3
msgid "Are you interested in hacking on..."
msgstr "Är du intresserad av att hacka på ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:3
msgid "a dynamic language for rapid development"
msgstr "ett dynamiskt språk för snabb utveckling"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:9
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:9
msgid "So, you think OOP is for hipsters?  Let me tell you, back in my day..."
msgstr "Så du tycker att OOP är för hipstrar?  Låt mig berätta, på min tid ?"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:9
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:27
msgid "How about working on..."
msgstr "Vad tycks om att arbeta med ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:9
msgid "close to the metal"
msgstr "nära metallen"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:15
msgid "Haskell"
msgstr "Haskell"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:15
msgid ""
"So, programming without side-effects is what you're all about?  Sounds "
msgstr "Så programmering utan sidoeffekter är allt för dig?  Låter användbart!"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:15
msgid "a nondynamic language for rapid development"
msgstr "ett ickedynamiskt språk för snabb utveckling"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:21
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:21
msgid ""
"So you're a believer in <code>AbstractMethodFactoryBean</code>s?  "
"Straightforward enough..."
msgstr "Så du tror på <code>AbstraktMetodFabriksBön</code>or?  Tillräckligt rättframt ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:21
msgid "a nondynamic language for nonrapid development"
msgstr "ett ickedynamiskt språk för annat än snabb utveckling"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:27
msgid "Scala"
msgstr "Scala"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:27
msgid ""
"So, just OOP or functional languages wouldn't do it?  You had to have both, "
msgstr "Så bara OOP eller funktionella språk räcker inte?  Du måste ha båda, va?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:27
msgid "a nondynamic language for semirapid development"
msgstr "ett ickedynamiskt språk för halvsnabb utveckling"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:33
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:33
msgid ""
"So, you think having native integers is over-rated?  What could go wrong?"
msgstr "Så du tycker att ha inbyggda heltal är överreklamerat?  Vad skulle kunna gå fel?"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:33
msgid "There's plenty to do.  How about joining the.."
msgstr "Det finns mycket att göra.  Vad sägs om att gå med i ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:33
msgid "a dynamic web-oriented language for backend and frontend"
msgstr "ett dynamiskt webborienterat språk för bakände och framände"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:38
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:35
msgid "Websites Team"
msgstr "Webbsidegruppen"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:38
msgid "Great!"
msgstr "Jättebra!"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:38
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:35
msgid ""
"web developers that build <a href=\"\"></"
"a> and other awesome sites"
msgstr "webbutvecklare som bygger <a href=\"\"></a> och andra fantastiska sajter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:44
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:44
msgid "hashrockets and bare words"
msgstr "hashrockets och ensamma ord"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:48
msgid "C++"
msgstr "C++"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:48
msgid ""
"So, you're not happy if your error messages are comprehensible?  We have a "
"place for you."
msgstr "Så du trivs inte om dina felmeddelanden är begripliga?  Vi har en plats för dig."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:48
msgid "Try digging into..."
msgstr "Försök att gräva ner dig i ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding.yml:48
msgid ""
"imperative and object-oriented with the power of low-level memory "
msgstr "imperativt och objektorienterat med kraftfullheten hos minneshantering på låg nivå"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:3
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:10 questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:4
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:3
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:9
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:4
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allmänt"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:3
msgid "on how to join the Community Operations team?"
msgstr "hur man går med i gruppen för gemenskapsoperatörer?"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:8
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:15 questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:8
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:7
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:13
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:9
msgid "Specific"
msgstr "Specifikt"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:8
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:15
msgid "Excellent!"
msgstr "Utmärkt!"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:8
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:15
msgid "How does this sound?"
msgstr "Hur låter detta?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:8
msgid "on different kinds of community tasks"
msgstr "med olika sorters gemenskapsuppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:19
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:50
msgid "Community Blog"
msgstr "Gemenskapsblogg"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:19
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:50
msgid "the central hub of all Fedora news, across the subprojects"
msgstr "det centrala navet för alla Fedora-nyheter, tvärs över underprojekten"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:22
msgid "5 Things in Fedora This Week"
msgstr "5 saker inom Fedora denna vecka"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/community.yml:22
msgid ""
"finding information for a weekly article about the happenings in Fedora"
msgstr "hitta information till en veckovis artikel om vad som händer inom Fedora"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:3
msgid "Design Team"
msgstr "Designgrupp"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:3
msgid "Ok."
msgstr "Ok."

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:3
msgid "creatives serving as a design firm for the Fedora community"
msgstr "kreativa som fungerar som en designbyrå för Fedoragemenskapen"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:10
msgid "on how to join the design team?"
msgstr "om hur man går med i designgruppen?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:15
msgid "on different kinds of design tasks"
msgstr "om olika sorters designuppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:22
msgid "Artwork Requests"
msgstr "Begäranden om utsmyckningar"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:22
msgid "there are people in need of good taste -- you can help"
msgstr "det finns folk som behöver god smak ? du kan hjälpa till"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:26
msgid "Hackergotchis"
msgstr "Hackergotchis"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:26
msgid "making cute cut-outs of people's faces"
msgstr "göra gulliga utsnitt från folks ansikten"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:30
msgid "Fedora Badges"
msgstr "Fedoramärken"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/design.yml:30
msgid ""
"make awesome badge art that fuels <a href=\"https://badges.fedoraproject."
msgstr "gör fantastiska bilder för märken som driver <a href=\"\">badges.fp.o</a>"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:3
msgid "Desktop SIG"
msgstr "Skrivbords-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:3
msgid "the special-interest-group for Fedora Workstation"
msgstr "specialintressegruppen för Fedora Workstation"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:7
msgid "Cinnamon SIG"
msgstr "Cinnamon-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:7
msgid ""
"for those excited about Cinnamon desktop environment spiciness in Fedora"
msgstr "för dem som blir begeistrade av att krydda med Cinnamon-skrivbordsmiljön i Fedora"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:11
msgid "KDE SIG"
msgstr "KDE-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:11
msgid "to provide high-quality, usable KDE software packages"
msgstr "att tillhandahålla högkvalitativa, användbara KDE-programpaket"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:15
msgid "LXDE SIG"
msgstr "LXDE-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:15
msgid "to define a high-quality LXDE experience for Fedora users"
msgstr "att definiera en LXDE-upplevelse av hög kvalitet för Fedora-användare"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:19
msgid "XFCE SIG"
msgstr "XFCE-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/desktop.yml:19
msgid "for those excited about integration of the Xfce desktop environment"
msgstr "för de som blir begeistrade av integration av skrivbordsmiljön Xfce"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/i18n.yml:3
msgid "i18n"
msgstr "i18n"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/i18n.yml:3
msgid "the Fedora Internationalization subproject"
msgstr "Fedoras underprojekt för internationalisering"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/packaging.yml:3
msgid "Package Maintainer"
msgstr "Paketskötare"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/packaging.yml:3
msgid "steward of the packages in Fedora"
msgstr "förvaltare av paketen i Fedora"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:4
msgid "about how to join the QA team?"
msgstr "om hur man går med i QA-gruppen?"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:8
msgid "Certainly."
msgstr "Javisst."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:8
msgid "We need people to..."
msgstr "Vi behöver folk för att ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:8
msgid "about different QA and testing tasks"
msgstr "om olika QA- och testuppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:14
msgid "Validate Releases"
msgstr "Validera utgåvor"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:14
msgid "when there's an upcoming release, that is"
msgstr "när en ny utgåva är på gång, alltså"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:17
msgid "Test Updates"
msgstr "Testa uppdateringar"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:17
msgid "before they hit the stable repo"
msgstr "före de går ut till det stabila förrådet"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:20
msgid "Create Test Cases"
msgstr "Skapa testfall"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:20
msgid "otherwise we won't know what to test"
msgstr "annars vet vi inte vad vi skall testa"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:24
msgid "Develop Tools"
msgstr "Utveckla verktyg"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:24
msgid "I'm of the same mind."
msgstr "Jag är av samma åsikt."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:24
msgid "We need people to hack on"
msgstr "Vi behöver folk för att hacka på"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:24
msgid "for continuous awesomeness"
msgstr "för att fortsatt vara fantastiskt"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:30
msgid "Taskotron"
msgstr "Taskotron"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:30
msgid "a framework for automated task execution"
msgstr "ett ramverk för automatiserat körning av uppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:33
msgid "BlockerBugs"
msgstr "BlockerBugs"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:33
msgid "used to propose and track release blocking bugs"
msgstr "använd för att föreslå och spåra fel som blockerar utgåvor"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:36
msgid "Bodhi"
msgstr "Bodhi"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:36
msgid "the Fedora Updates System"
msgstr "Fedoras uppdateringssystem"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:39
msgid "fedora-easy-karma"
msgstr "fedora-easy-karma"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:39
msgid "a handsome tool to ease testing updates"
msgstr "ett stiligt verktyg för att förenkla testande av uppdateringar"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:43
msgid "Take Over"
msgstr "Ta över"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:43
msgid "That's huge of you."
msgstr "Det är stort av dig."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:43
msgid "we need someone to head up..."
msgstr "vi behöver någon som leder ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:43
msgid "some basically abandoned tasks"
msgstr "några grundläggande övergivna uppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:49
msgid "Bug Triage"
msgstr "Prioritering av fel"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/qa.yml:49
msgid "you'll need a heart of gold"
msgstr "du kommer behöva ett hjärta av guld"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/server.yml:3
msgid "Server SIG"
msgstr "Server-SIG"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/server.yml:3
msgid "the special-interest-group for Fedora Server"
msgstr "specialintressegruppen för Fedora Server"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:3
msgid "about how to join the L10N team?"
msgstr "om hur man går med i L10N-gruppen?"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:7
msgid "Let's get down to business."
msgstr "Låt oss komma till saken."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:7
msgid "Perhaps you'd be interested in translating..."
msgstr "Kanske du är intresserad av att översätta ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:7
msgid "about L10N tasks"
msgstr "om L10N-uppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:13
msgid "User Interfaces"
msgstr "Användargränssnitt"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:13
msgid "there are some essential projects that need translating"
msgstr "det finns några viktiga projekt som behöver översättas"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:16
msgid "Wiki Pages"
msgstr "Wiki-sidor"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:16
msgid "usually from English to another language"
msgstr "vanligen från engelska till ett annat språk"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:19
msgid "all the guides and release notes"
msgstr "alla guiderna och utgåvenoteringarna"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:22
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:15
msgid "GNOME"
msgstr "GNOME"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:22
msgid "which has it's own translation resources"
msgstr "som har sina egna översättningsresurser"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:25
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c++.yml:7
msgid "KDE"
msgstr "KDE"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/translation.yml:25
msgid "also with it's own translation process"
msgstr "också med sin egen översättningsprocess"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:3
msgid "Without you no-one would be able to \"RTFM\", as they say."
msgstr "Utan dig skulle inte någon kunna ?RTFM?, som de säger."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:3
msgid "Would you be interested in something..."
msgstr "Skulle du vara intresserad av något ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:3
msgid "so people know how to use this crazy stuff"
msgstr "så att folk vet hur de skall använda dessa knäppa grejer"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:9
msgid "about how to join the docs team?"
msgstr "om hur man går med i dokumentationsgruppen?"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:13
msgid "Now we're talking!"
msgstr "Nu snackar vi!"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:13
msgid "Let's see.  How about working on..."
msgstr "Låt oss se.  Vad sägs om att arbeta med ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:13
msgid "about documentation related tasks"
msgstr "om dokumentationsrelaterade uppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:19
msgid "Wiki Gardening"
msgstr "Wiki-trädgårdsskötsel"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:19
msgid "it tends to get a little overgrown"
msgstr "den tenderar att bli lite övervuxen"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:22
msgid "A Beat"
msgstr "En notis"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:22
msgid "a section of the release notes and a good place for new contributors"
msgstr "ett avsnitt av utgåvenoteringarna och ett bra ställe för nya medarbetare"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:25
msgid "A Guide"
msgstr "En guide"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:25
msgid "a more technical type of documentation"
msgstr "en mer teknisk sorts dokumentation"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:28
msgid "Real Issues"
msgstr "Verkliga ärenden"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:28
msgid "that people have reported"
msgstr "som folk har rapporterat"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:32
msgid "Blogging"
msgstr "Bloggande"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:32
msgid "Only the news that's fit to print."
msgstr "Endast nyheterna som lämpar sig för skrift."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:32
msgid "How about something..."
msgstr "Vad sägs om något ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:32
msgid "21st century journalism, my friend"
msgstr "20-hundratalets journalistik, min vän"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:37
msgid "More Formal"
msgstr "Mer formellt"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:37
msgid "Yes!  The spotlight!"
msgstr "Ja!  Strålkastarljuset!"

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:37
msgid "You should get involved in writing for..."
msgstr "Du bör vara med om att skriva för ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:37
msgid "something \"official\""
msgstr "något ?officiellt?"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:42
msgid "Fedora Magazine"
msgstr "Fedoramagasinet"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:42
msgid "all Fedora news, all the Fedora time"
msgstr "alla Fedoranyheter, hela Fedoratiden"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:45
msgid "Less Formal"
msgstr "Mindre formellt"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:45
msgid "We have just the thing for you."
msgstr "Vi har något som passar dig precis."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:45
msgid "Get your own blog added to the..."
msgstr "Lägg med din egen blogg i ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:45
msgid "something more personal"
msgstr "något mer personligt"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:53
msgid "Fedora Planet"
msgstr "Fedora Planet"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/writing.yml:53
msgid "an aggregator of Fedora bloggers"
msgstr "en aggregerare av Fedorabloggare"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c++.yml:3
msgid "LibreOffice"
msgstr "LibreOffice"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c++.yml:3
msgid "a free and open source office suite"
msgstr "en fri kontorssvit i öppen källkod"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c++.yml:7
msgid "an integrated set of cross-platform applications"
msgstr "en integrerad uppsättning av program för flera plattformar"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:3
msgid "OSTree"
msgstr "OSTree"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:3
msgid "git for operating system binaries"
msgstr "git för operativsystemsbinärer"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:7
msgid "systemd"
msgstr "systemd"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:7
msgid "widely renowned init system and suite of building blocks"
msgstr "ett vida känt init-system och svit av byggstenar"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:11
msgid "Cockpit"
msgstr "Cockpit"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:11
msgid "a server manager that makes it easy to administer via a web browser"
msgstr "en serverhanterare som gör det lätt att administrera via en webbläsare"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:15
msgid "an easy and elegant way to use your computer"
msgstr "ett lätt och elegant sätt att använda din dator"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:19
msgid "The Linux Kernel"
msgstr "Linuxkärnan"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/c.yml:19
msgid ""
"that thing that connects application software to the hardware of a computer"
msgstr "den där saken som kopplar ihop programmen med hårdvaran i en dator"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/haskell.yml:3
msgid "Haskell Special Interest Group"
msgstr "Specialintressegruppen för Haskell"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/haskell.yml:3
msgid ""
"Work with the community to make Haskell development in Fedora be awesome!"
msgstr "Arbeta med gemenskapen för att göra Haskellutveckling i Fedora fantastiskt!"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/haskell.yml:7
msgid "FAS 3 API Client"
msgstr "FAS 3 API-klient"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/haskell.yml:7
msgid "Play with FAS without playing with Python! ;)"
msgstr "Lek med FAS utan att leka med Python! ;)"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:3
msgid "Java Special Interest Group"
msgstr "Specialintressegruppen för Java"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:3
msgid "Work with the community on Java packaging and development"
msgstr "Arbeta med gemenskapen med Javapaketering och -utveckling"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:7
msgid "JBoss"
msgstr "JBoss"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:7
msgid "A suite of enterprise middleware"
msgstr "En svit av mellanprogramvara för företagsmiljö"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:11
msgid "fedmsg-java"
msgstr "fedmsg-java"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:11
msgid "Interact with fedmsg from the JVM"
msgstr "Interagera med fedmsg från JVM:en"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:15
msgid "jenkins-fedmsg-emit"
msgstr "jenkins-fedmsg-emit"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/java.yml:15
msgid "Send fedmsg messages related to Jenkins builds"
msgstr "Skicka fedmsg-meddelanden relaterade till Jenkinsbyggen"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:3
msgid "Anaconda"
msgstr "Anaconda"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:3
msgid "the OS installer and all its related projects"
msgstr "OS-installeraren och alla dess relaterade projekt"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:7
msgid "ABRT"
msgstr "ABRT"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:7
msgid "the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool"
msgstr "det automatiska felrapporteringsverktyget"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:11
msgid "DNF"
msgstr "DNF"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:11
msgid "Dandified Yum (DNF) is a major rewrite of yum"
msgstr "Dandified Yum (DNF) är en större omskrivning av yum"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:15
msgid "Firewalld"
msgstr "Firewalld"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:15
msgid "a dynamically managed firewall with support for network zones"
msgstr "en dynamiskt hanterad brandvägg med stöd för nätverkszoner"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:19
msgid "PortingDB"
msgstr "PortingDB"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:19
msgid ""
"a <a href\"\">dynamic database</a> of "
"Python 2 packages needing to be updated to Python 3"
msgstr "en <a href\"\">dynamisk databas</a> av Python 2-paket som behöver uppdateras till Python 3"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:23
msgid "Rolekit"
msgstr "Rolekit"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:23
msgid ""
"a daemon for managing the deployment of <a href=\""
"wiki/Server/Product_Requirements_Document#Featured_Server_Roles\">Server "
msgstr "en demon för att hantera utplaceringen av <a href=\"\">serverroller</a>"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:27
msgid "Web Services"
msgstr "Webbtjänster"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/python.yml:27
msgid "Fedora Infrastructure team for the win"
msgstr "Fedoras infrastrukturgrupp är bäst"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/scala.yml:3
msgid "Fedora Mobile"
msgstr "Fedora mobilt"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/scala.yml:3
msgid "Interact with Fedora's community on the go!"
msgstr "Interagera med Fedoragemenskapen i farten!"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:4
msgid "on how to join the websites team?"
msgstr "hur man går med i webbsajtgruppen?"

#. segue1
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:9
msgid "That's my style too."
msgstr "Det är min stil också."

#. segue2
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:9
msgid "How about working on the..."
msgstr "Vad sägs om att arbeta med ?"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:9
msgid "on different kinds of website tasks"
msgstr "om olika sorters webbsajtuppgifter"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:16
msgid "Release Site"
msgstr "Utgåvesajten"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:16
msgid "<a href=''></a> is awesome"
msgstr "<a href=''></a> är fantastisk"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:20
msgid "Magazine"
msgstr "Tidning"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:20
msgid ""
"did you even know we had a <a href=''>magazine</a>?"
msgstr "har du hört talas om att vi hade en <a href=''>tidning</a>?"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:24
msgid "Wiki Theme"
msgstr "Wikitema"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:24
msgid "it's a little crusty"
msgstr "det är lite mossigt"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:28
msgid "General Theme"
msgstr "Allmänt tema"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:28
msgid "there's a list of sites that need standardizing"
msgstr "det finns en lista på sajter som behöver standardiseras"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:32
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Översättningar"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:32
msgid "we're an international community after all"
msgstr "vi är en internationell gemenskap när allt kommer omkring"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:36
msgid "User Gallery"
msgstr "Användargalleri"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:36
msgid "gallery for mini-interview-style user profiles and stories"
msgstr "galleri för användarprofiler och historier i form av miniintervjuer"

#. title
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:40
msgid "AskNot Site"
msgstr "AskNot-sajten"

#. subtitle
#: questions/includes/fedora/coding/web.yml:40
msgid "this thing -- the page you're looking at right now!"
msgstr "det här ? sidan du tittar på just nu!"

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